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Every now and then, I’m asked, “What is intermittent fasting?”
Is it good for me, is it healthy? Can I skip meals?
So, today we’re talking about this fad and why you’ll want to avoid it.
A lot of people feel that they benefit by skipping breakfast or skipping breakfast and lunch.
This is called intermittent fasting and is one of the fads going around now.
But like the fads of low-carb and ketogenic diets, it’s not a good idea either.
Let’s look at what the science is about intermittent fasting.
Here is what happens when a “metabolically challenged person” (most of us guys) meets intermittent fasting.
In this study, they gave one group of mice a diet where they could eat whatever they wanted.
And another group of mice could eat anything they wanted every other day — but had to fast every other day.
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Some studies have shown that mice and rats live longer on intermittent fasting.
And they live longer even if they eat the same number calories as animals allowed to eat every day.
That’s why this finding made this a surprising study.
What I like about this study is that they measured lots of things about the mice.
They measured their carbon dioxide levels and even the levels of liver mitochondria in the mice.
The intermittent fasting promoted a pro-inflammatory profile, as shown by a 28% increase in plasma TNF-a levels and a 23% increase in plasma C-reactive protein levels.
TNF-a directly lowers testosterone by the way.
And C-reactive protein is a commonly measured blood plasma component that correlates with inflammation in the body.
So, you want these low — not high.
But what was worse is that the mice also developed many more clogged arteries:
Spontaneous atherosclerosis in the aortic root was markedly aggravated in fasting mice, which showed a 3-fold increase in the average size of the lesions.
In fact, the result shocked the scientists who did the study.
They had originally felt that the mice were going to respond positively to the intermittent fasting.
The shock was that the mice got worse!
They got more clogged arteries, more diabetes, and worse metabolic syndrome.
These intermittent fasted mice:
became more intolerant to glucose and acquired insulin resistance, exhibiting a typical diabetic BODY.
All the markers of inflammation were higher in the mice that were intermittently fasting.
The presence of hypercholesterolaemia, obesity, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation led to severe advancement of athero- sclerosis.
I think that these mice are very similar to people.
I think that it’s not the cholesterol that matters.
Instead, it’s the internal inflammation that’s going on inside the body that really matters.
Intermittent fasting increases blood fat levels or free fatty acids,
And that blood fat causes a host of inflammatory problems.
The inflammation leads to lower testosterone levels, belly fat that won’t go away, high estrogen, high cortisol, and eventually high blood pressure, dementia, and ED.
So, don’t fall for the supposed benefits of intermittent fasting.
This is just one study that shows otherwise — there are many others.

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