The shocking truth about Aloe Vera

The shocking truth about Aloe Vera

February 1, 2017 Matt Cook 2

[cmamad id=”5532″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] What are the Risks of Aloe Vera and Testosterone? Where I used to live in Los Angeles, aloe vera […]

Life saver if you are feeling sick

Life saver if you are feeling sick

January 17, 2017 Matt Cook 1

[cmamad id=”5232″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] I’ve been talking to you quite a bit lately about nitric oxide and how dangerous it is. If you’ve […]

Exercise and less stress fixes ED

Exercise and less stress fixes ED

January 1, 2017 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4986″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] There’s a lot that’s being written about endothelial dysfunction. The endothelial tissue is the foundation for our arteries, and […]

Lisuride for migraines

Lisuride for migraines

December 21, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4842″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Do you suffer migraines?  Does someone you love? Migraines are devastating and can be debilitating. Migraine symptom range from […]

How many supplements and drugs cause cancer

How many supplements and drugs cause cancer

December 20, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4840″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Today’s most popular drugs are the PDE-5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. The medical community is convinced these […]