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You know that bacteria and yeast live in your gut.
But you may not realize that these intestinal bugs can influence more than digestion.
Leaky gut symptoms can include inflammation, exhaustion, and much more.
They can even influence behavior, cause anxiety, or make you depressed.
Scientists made that discovery years ago, and it’s not uncommon knowledge.
But what we didn’t know was how this influence happens.
And knowing the answer to that question will tell us how to treat a leaky gut better.
Now there is a study that just came out demonstrating how having stress in your body can cause your gut to leak.
It’s like raw sewage spilling into your whole body whenever you’re stressed out.
And remember, we aren’t talking about simple work stress.
We’re talking about physical stress like illness, inflammation, or injury, and intense emotional stress.
In this case, researchers did something interesting.
They analyzed very intense three-day training for Army soldiers that were doing a march and drills.
These drills are intense and cause both emotional and physical stress.
The researchers looked closely at the soldiers’ gut permeability.
They checked if the soldiers had gut leakage after the stress from all of these exercises.
This setup allowed the researchers to test the results of the combined stresses.
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So the question is, does this stress cause your gut to leak?
Because if your gut leaks, it allows all kinds of bad stuff called endotoxins into your body.
Then your liver has to cope with these endotoxins.
And if you have too many endotoxins for your liver to handle, it can get much worse.
Endotoxins can cross the blood-brain barrier and wreak havoc in your brain and on your mood.
This is usually called the “leaky gut, leaky brain” connection.
In this study, researchers took three groups of men.
One group received a diet high in carbohydrates… another group received a high-protein diet.
And the third served as the “control group” who received a regular diet.
They discovered that:
intense or prolonged exercise may trigger intestinal hypoxia, inflammation, and oxidative stress that collectively degrade intestinal barrier integrity.
Yes, the big takeaway here is that you need to eat more carbohydrates.
Eating more carbohydrates reduces stress levels and reduces the degree of leaky gut.
However, another important point here is that higher protein levels had benefits, too.
The higher protein diet lowered the load of endotoxins that leaked into the body from the gut.
Higher protein levels help the liver detoxify endotoxins.
And I think this is why a higher protein diet helped these stressed out soldiers minimize their endotoxins.
If you’re under stress, or if your body has any internal inflammation, you can use this study to your advantage.
You’ll find that a higher protein, high carbohydrate, but low-fat eating plan will be best.
Obviously, you should check with your doctor before making any major dietary changes.
But this is yet more proof the combination high carbohydrates and high protein can help protect against leaky gut.
And improved gut health will help reduce inflammation in the body.

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