Newly discovered female sex circuit in the brain gives men all the power…
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—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-
Cambridge University seduction technique gets her naked in 1 night
It creates insatiable lust at lightspeed… so she’s eating out of your hand in minutes instead of hours or days…
It doubles your odds of same-night sex…
It gets her automatically thinking of “doing it” — regardless of the place you take her to…
And most of all…it’s so unbelievably simple…
Like a single moment of eye contact…or a slight brush on her arm…
It seems crazy that such a technique exists. But it does.
And you’ve likely never heard of it.
Because it operates under a secret name… Seriously, it’s true.
A group of scientists at Cambridge University recently published a breakthrough study…
…revealing this shockingly simple “perfect seduction” technique that’s working on wives, girlfriends, and girls you haven’t met yet…
Why some men are banking their poop samples
I do research on tons of different medical studies on a regular basis, and I have to share this weird idea that I just saw…
It might work, but I’m not sure I could do this.
Here it is in a nutshell: researchers are proposing that we “bank” poop samples from early in life to restore our microbiome later in life.
“Having individuals bank samples of their own gut microbiota when they are young and healthy for potential use later in life in an autologous fecal microbiota transplant (FMT).”
I’m not joking here. The researchers didn’t propose where exactly these poop samples would be stored…
…or if the samples would be viable for decades between when they were taken and when they would be used.
“But there are many practical issues to implementing this idea,” says Yang. The article takes a closer look at some of those issues, including optimal storage methods, how much stool should be banked, and what the costs might be.
I think those are questions that need to be answered if a project like this is moving forward.
I think there are better solutions to microbiome problems than storing poop…
…but the researchers aren’t wrong that the way we eat and live in modern society is causing real problems with our microbiome.
The changes that have occurred in the bacteria and viruses in our gut (our microbiome) have been linked to diseases like asthma and diabetes.
Changes in the way that humans live and eat have resulted in tremendous alterations in the gut microbiome, especially over the past few decades. These changes have been linked to increased rates of asthma, allergies, diseases of the digestive system, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions.
The idea of using poop to help heal your gut isn’t as radical as it might sound.
It’s actually something that’s done right now in specific circumstances using donor poop (poop from another person).
FMTs using donor stool have shown benefit for treating some conditions, primarily infections with Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), which affect about half a million people and kill about 29,000 in the United States every year.
The problem is that just like with organs, fecal matter from another person can be rejected by the person receiving it.
However, one limitation of using donor stool is variability in the host’s response, likely due to genetic and environmental differences between the donor and host.
The rejection issue is one of the reasons that the researchers are throwing around the idea of banking your own fecal matter.
They have no idea if it’s going to work though.
“It is still unknown if people in industrialized societies can gain some health benefit by restoring their microbiome to an ancestral state. In this paper, we proposed a way to rejuvenate the human gut microbiome.”
The reality is that if you want to improve your gut health (and your overall health along with it)…
…you can do that in a fairly straightforward manner – no poo transplants required.
I’m really puzzled why the researchers are focusing on fecal transplants…
…instead of focusing on the solutions that work for just about everybody in everyday life.
So… before you start storing poo, take the actions that can restore your gut health within weeks or months.
—-Important Message—-
These “penis poisons” in the gut cause a limp member — doing this fixes the gut and fixes rockiness
Have you heard of endotoxins?
Endotoxins are poisons made by bacteria in the gut when men eat certain foods.
And these poisons are so toxic, that even a trillionth of a gram can make you sick.
And when these poisons travel to the penis, erections suffers almost immediately.
And it’s these penis poisons to blame… traveling from the gut to the penis and wreaking havoc in the male body…
Fortunately I’ve found a quick and easy way to eliminate these penis poisons…
…eliminate them in the penis, in the gut, and everywhere else in the body…
And immediately, men are experiencing better health and better erections in the bedroom.
Here’s my Clean Organ Protocol for destroying penis poisons in just a few days