Sleeping on this side lowers Alzheimer’s risk

Your sleeping position can actually protect your brain!

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—-Important Message From Megan—-

Why I took this naughty pic for my hubby

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Hey, my name’s Megan and my 53-year-old husband just went from ZERO desire for me…

…to giving me the best lovin’ of my life…

…sometimes 2-3 times a day!

And he made this transformation in a little over a week — here’s how

Now he has me so addicted to his pole, I’m taking naughty pics for him in the middle of the day!

And we’ve been married for 24 years…yet our intimacy is only getting stronger…


Sleeping on this side lowers Alzheimer’s risk

Matt Cook here, and we tend to think of the human body as symmetrical.

It looks that way on the outside – but the organs in the abdominal cavity are not lined up in a symmetrical manner.

Because the heart, lungs, kidneys and blood vessels function differently on different sides of the body…

…the side we sleep on can have an effect on our health.

In the last decade, researchers have become aware of something called the glymphatic system.

The glymphatic system is a drainage system which removes toxins from the brain.

This brain detoxification process happens mostly while we sleep and in specific stages of sleep.

Researchers believe that brain detoxification may be more effective when we sleep in certain positions…

…and this could have major implications for the risk of things like Alzheimer’s disease.

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The animal experiments were performed at the University of Rochester in New York. The paper was published in The Journal of Neuroscience.

“The glymphatic pathway expedites clearance of waste, including soluble amyloid β (Aβ) from the brain.”

The glymphatic system was only discovered very recently.

It helps to remove the proteins which build up in Alzheimer’s disease – and also removes other toxins from the brain and nervous system.

We also know that the glymphatic system is activated by certain brain waves – mostly during certain stages of sleep.

“Transport through this pathway is controlled by the brain’s arousal level because, during sleep or anesthesia, the brain’s interstitial space volume expands (compared with wakefulness), resulting in faster waste removal.”

The authors of this study were interested in the effect of different sleeping positions on glymphatic function.

“Humans, as well as animals, exhibit different body postures during sleep, which may also affect waste removal, so body posture might affect CSF-interstitial fluid exchange efficiency.”

Toxins are removed via the glymphatic system in the CSF interstitial fluid.

The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging scans to look at the flow of interstitial fluid through the glymphatic system of sleeping animals.

“We used MRI and kinetic modeling to quantify CSF fluid exchange rates in anesthetized rodents’ brains in supine, prone, or lateral positions.”

The glymphatic system worked more efficiently when animals were sleeping on the left side – in the lateral position.

“The analysis showed that glymphatic transport was most efficient in the lateral position compared with the supine or prone positions.”

Sleeping on the stomach – in the prone position – was the worst position for the glymphatic system.

“In the prone position, in which the rat’s head was in the most upright position, transport was characterized by “retention” of the tracer, slower clearance, and more CSF efflux along larger caliber cervical vessels.”

The research showed that more of the amyloid beta plaque which builds up in Alzheimer’s disease was removed when animals slept on the left side or on their back.

“The optical imaging and radiotracer studies confirmed that glymphatic transport and Aβ clearance were superior in the lateral and supine positions.”

The researchers believe that sleeping on the left side may help minimize Alzheimer’s risk.

They also believe that it could be a factor in analyzing brain scans…

…as we could get different results depending on which way the person is lying.

The experiments build on the last few years of exciting research into the glymphatic system.

We have already shown that the glymphatic system can clear amyloid beta proteins from the brain.

I’ve also reported previously how small amounts of alcohol seem to increase glymphatic system function.

And this may explain why people who drink about one unit of alcohol per day have a slightly lower risk of dementia.

“We speculate that the lateral position during sleep has advantage with regard to the removal of waste products including Aβ, because clinical studies have shown that sleep drives Aβ clearance from the brain.”

You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.

—-Important Message About Preventing Alzheimer’s—-

Prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s with the Kraepelin method — works in 45 seconds

Unbeknownst to many, Emil Kraepelin was actually the first scientist to discover Alzheimer’s…

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But his work has been ignored for almost a century.

That’s why I’ve named this new method after him — it targets the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease and fixes it naturally and safely…

And it only takes 45 seconds to start working. And it’s so simple, it will just become part of your daily routine.

Discover how to prevent Alzheimer’s in 45 seconds with the Kraepelin Method — keep a young mind and memory decades longer


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport