“Safe” fats lower testosterone

These commonly accepted “safe” fats dramatically raise the threat of cancer.

“I thought I was eating healthy food, but it was soaked in these dangerous fats that cause cancer.”

These fats are all around us as our food is cooked in them.

According to Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, cancer cells require fats in order to multiply.

They simply cannot multiply without a lot of fat.

And in fact, if you deny fat to cancer, the cancer fails to grow, and even dies.

In this study, they found out that cancer cells do generate their own fat, but that they also must have fat from your surrounding tissues.

And researchers even went further to discover that lowering fat levels in the tissues slows down or stops the growth of cancer.

And this is a repeatable and predictable way of stopping cancer…

Lower fats, stop cancer…

My name is Matt Cook and for years I’ve been helping over 120,000 men avoid heart-stopping moments when they get diagnosed with something horrible.

In fact, I just recently went to dinner at my neighbor’s house and his wife was frying chicken in an iron pan…

…she tipped a bottle soy oil as it filled the pan almost hallway.

Then the chicken browned in the soy oil and once it was on my plate there was hardly any oil left in the pan – the chicken soaked up all that cancer causing oil!

And most of U.S. households and restaurants use these oils and cook food this way too.

But all it takes, believe it or not, is a simple change to keep cancer away from your food and yourself.

Click here for an important article showing the simple change that makes any man and his family safe from cancer