AVOID chemotherapy

Why do most terminally ill doctors AVOID chemotherapy – despite recommending it to their patients?

Doctors avoid chemotherapy because they know of better ways.

You might be thinking, how could there be a better way to stop cancer than chemotherapy?

Well, chemotherapy cannot be a continuous process and doctors know this…

It has to stop sometimes, and then restart, because otherwise the patient will die.

The chemotherapy will kill the patient if it’s applied continuously.

So they apply the chemotherapy in short bursts, with rest periods that give the body a chance to recover.

The trouble is, that some cancer cells survive.

These cancer super cells are doubly as virulent, doubly as threatening because they survived the chemotherapy.

Now your body is off the chemo for a needed break…

…and these cancer super cells get even stronger than ever and multiply like crazy.

In fact, here is a chart showing how effective chemotherapy is with certain cancerous areas in the body:

So knowing all this, doctors turn to other, safer and natural alternatives…

It is quite possible that curing cancer could be a simple matter.

My name is Matt Cook and for years I’ve been helping over 120,000 men avoid radioactive rays that leave men bald, dried up and weak…

…when they could have been lively and energetic with nothing to worry about.

I urge you to click here and discover how common household items help fight cancer