This video contains secrets feminists don’t want men to know
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—-Important Message From Richard la Ruina—-
The Stealth Attraction video that’s going viral (NSFW)
It shows you how to bypass a woman’s rejection mechanism…
…so she automatically starts feeling attraction, lust, and desire for you…
…without even knowing why…
And this gets her wanting to sleep with you, even if she’s not usually “that type of girl…”
This also works for married men and men in committed relationships.
But this video accidently got into the wrong hands and now some feminist group on Facebook is trying to have the video pulled down.
Watch it now before it’s banned
1 killer hormone responsible for 80% of men’s bedroom problems
Parathyroid hormone plays a large role in your health.
One of the things this hormone does is control the flow of calcium in and out of the bones.
High parathyroid hormone causes calcium to be leached from the bones.
This causes weak and brittle bones.
It also dumps this excess calcium into the bloodstream, where it is then incorporated into the blood vessels and organs.
This calcification of the body causes everything from atherosclerosis to poor rockiness, and it greatly accelerates aging.
This is a very overlooked mechanism of disease which I’ve written a whole newsletter about.
A recent study shows that taking 2 small doses of vitamin D and calcium per day might be a very effective way of keeping parathyroid hormone levels down…
…keeping bones strong and preventing calcification of the rest of the body.
The human research was carried out at the University of Liège in Belgium. The paper was published in Calcified Tissue International.
Many things play into parathyroid hormone levels.
Dietary calcium and vitamin D are some of the most powerful things we can use to keep parathyroid hormone under control.
“Calcium and vitamin D supplementation has been shown to reduce secondary hyperparathyroidism and play a role in the management of senile osteoporosis.”
The authors of this study were interested in the most effective way of controlling parathyroid using these 2 nutrients.
They designed a study whereby people would take the same overall amount of vitamin D and calcium every day.
But in one instance they would take it all in 1 dose and in another instance they would split the dose in 2 – those doses taken 6 hours apart.
“Twelve healthy volunteers were assigned to three investigational procedures, at weekly intervals.”
The researchers used 1,000mg of calcium and 800 IU of vitamin D per day.
During the experiment, the participants had multiple blood samples taken in order to look at the effect of the supplement regimens on parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels.
“During the procedures, blood was drawn every 60 minutes for up to 9 hours, for serum calcium and serum PTH measurements.”
The researchers found that regardless of how the supplements were given…
…calcium and vitamin D were effective in reducing parathyroid hormone over a few hours, something we already knew.
“During the 6 hours following Ca and vitamin D supplementation, a statistically significant decrease in serum PTH was observed with both regimens, compared with baseline and with the control procedure.”
But toward the end of the day, participants found significant differences between the 2 groups.
Parathyroid hormone was significantly lower later in the day in people who had taken their vitamin D and calcium in split doses 6 hours apart.
“However, between the sixth and the ninth hour, serum PTH levels were still significantly decreased compared with baseline with split dose administration, while they returned to baseline value in the single administration experiment.”
The research shows that splitting your calcium/vitamin D supplements can lead to significantly lower (better) parathyroid hormone levels over a longer time period.
“During this period, the percentage decrease in serum PTH compared with baseline was significantly more pronounced with Orocal D3 than with Cacit D3.”
The study used a decent dose of calcium – probably 50% of the daily requirements.
The dose of vitamin D was quite low – at least for winter months.
Regardless, the research does show benefits to multiple daily doses of vitamin D and calcium for control of parathyroid hormone.
This has implications for bone health, cardiovascular disease, aging and sexual function.
“This might have implications in terms of protection of the skeleton against secondary hyperparathyroidism and increased bone resorption and turnover in elderly subjects.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
Men: beware this toxic poison you are using in the bathroom
Hey, it’s Matt, and most men don’t know it…
…but every time they enter the bathroom, they are exposing themselves to a toxic poison…
A toxic poison that drains men of their testosterone, swells up the prostate, and can even lead to cancer.
Shockingly, almost nobody is warning men about this toxic poison.
Doctors don’t know about it and news anchors aren’t reporting it…
So do me a favor and check this out — it could save your manhood…