I finally am getting a good night’s sleep

Thousands of men have reported their results in this sleep study…here’s what we know…

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—-Important Message—-

Why I stopped watching pornography

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I know nobody likes hearing about it or talking about it, but watching these “adult movies” can be super damaging for a man.

Consuming this type of content can lead to:

  • Distorted, unrealistic expectations from sex which can sabotage your intimate encounters with women in real life
  • Decreased satisfaction in your relationship
  • Desensitization where men are struggling to get aroused and feeling less pleasure during the act
  • Rockiness problems that dash a man’s confidence
  • Performance anxiety that leads to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure
  • Mental health issues like depression and anxiety

I figured this all out the hard way after struggling with my erections for years, before I realized this kind of explicit content was the problem.

See, I was losing interest in my wife, Jodi. I was going soft in the middle of things without warning…

And my confidence was totally shot.

One thing that never worked is to just stop cold turkey. I couldn’t do that — until I discovered a few solo activities that made quitting very easy.

These 3 solo activities made it so I could get erections again, feel pleasure again, and last as long as I want.

And they work whether you have a partner or not.

Here are the 3 solo activities that helped me kick the harmful porn habit and resurrected my sex life with my wife


I finally am getting a good night’s sleep

Matt Cook here, and men are getting less and less sleep.

At the same time, diseases characterized by chronic pain are on the rise.

Animal research points to a link between sleep deprivation and pain.

Recently, researchers showed that sleep deprivation can have a huge effect on pain in humans.

Improving sleep quality could lower pain and reduce the incredible risks from pain treatments.

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These human experiments were carried out by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley. The results were published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

The research consisted of 2 sets of experiments.

First the researchers looked at the relationship between sleep deprivation and pain in a scientific laboratory.

25 healthy participants were enrolled in this study. The researchers tested the participants under 2 conditions.

The participants were tested for pain response after a full night’s sleep, and again after a night of sleep deprivation.

Those experiments were separated by at least a week.

All of the participants reported to the lab where they stayed overnight and their sleep was controlled.

The next day the participants went through scientific testing looking at their pain responses.

The patient responses to heat induced pain were tested while they were inside the machine that analyzed their brain responses to pain.

“Participants performed a thermal pain sensitivity task in the functional magnetic resonance imagery scanner.”

These tests showed that sleep deprivation changed the responses to pain.

Pain was experienced to a much higher degree after people had not had adequate sleep.

“Sleep deprivation expands the temperature range for classifying stimuli as painful, specifically through a lowering of pain thresholds.”

The second part of this research was completed online.

The researchers recruited people suffering from painful conditions.

236 people completed an initial survey, and 60 people were then included in the trial.

Those participants carried out very detailed questionnaires relating to their sleeping patterns and pain.

The researchers used these questionnaires to look at the relationship between pain and sleep in these participants.

Those participants carried out the online questionnaires a number of times.

The researchers were then able to see the relationship between their sleep patterns and the levels of pain.

That research showed the effect of sleep quality on pain in the real world.

The study found that decreased sleep quality clearly increases pain sensation the next day.

“Participants who had a decreasing sleep efficiency from one night to the next experienced a corresponding increase in pain from one day to the next.”

When the participants felt that they had a better night’s sleep their pain ratings were lower.

“A similar relationship was found for night tonight to changes in subjective sleep quality, reduction in the quality of sleep was associated with increased pain.”

The research found that total sleep time was not the most important factor.

“Nightly changes in total amount of sleep did not similarly predict daily changes in pain.”

The results point to sleep quality rather than total amount of time spent sleeping as being the important factor in pain.

Pain can obviously cause poor sleep. So the relationship between poor sleep and pain could go both ways.

The researchers tried to analyze this, to see just how important sleep is.

They tried to separate the initial pain levels from the quality of sleep.

The analysis shows that sleep quality can predict the level of pain the next day, independently of pain on the previous day.

“When controlling for the effects of pain intensity on day one, a significant relationship between sleep quality and pain intensity on day two still remained.”

Sleep quality today is predictive of pain levels tomorrow.

“Evening sleep quality is a stronger predictor of subsequent next day pain than prior pain predicting subsequent sleep.”

The study shows that improving sleep quality is very likely to help with painful conditions.

This could improve immediate quality-of-life for millions of people.

It could also prevent many long-term negative effects on health caused by pain and pain treatments.

—-Special Message for Matt Cook’s Guinea Pigs—-

I’m opening this up to 25 men…

I’m putting together a very special event for men who want to get better sleep and get all the benefits of sleep without wasting their life in bed.

I’m calling it Matt Cook’s Sleep Transformation and it’s very hands-on…

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Very interactive.

It’s not just a bunch of videos you have to watch — this is a Transformation where we are working together…

You and other men, and you and me together…

And we’re transforming our sleeping habits to get better health and even better erections with a few simple techniques I’ve picked up over many years of research and many years of helping men transform their health.

Go here to join while there are still spots available


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
The pain of sleep loss: A brain characterization in humanshttp://www.jneurosci.org/content/early/2019/01/25/JNEUROSCI.2408-18.2018