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—-Important Message—-
The biggest blood flow mistake men keep making
Every day I work with numerous men like Bill who are making a huge blood flow mistake…
Doctors are unaware of the mistake…
But the mistake is very, very profitable to Big Pharma, so they prefer doctors remain in the dark.
Bill had very poor erections and then needed a heart valve replacement operation.
At least 200,000 are now done per year, costing $32,000 each…$6.4 billion to Big Pharma just from this alone…
And virtually all men, like Bill, are making the same mistake.
If they stopped making this mistake, their blood pressure would probably normalize.
Plus, for many men, this mistake is causing poor blood flow and hardening of the arteries.
Yes, this mistake is immensely profitable to Big Pharma…
What happens when a man eats a high sugar diet?
Excess carbohydrate has been blamed for the obesity epidemic and cardiovascular disease crisis in the Western world.
Of the different types of carbohydrates, sugar is supposedly the most harmful.
There are numerous studies which come to this conclusion by various different methods – all of them erroneous, in my opinion.
When researchers do high-quality experiments with high-carbohydrate and high-sugar diets they almost always find these diets are superior for health.
In one series of animal experiments, mice fed a high-sugar diet were resistant to weight gain.
Modern diets are causing obesity and cardiovascular disease – but it’s the increase in harmful fats which is to blame – not sugar.
The animal experiments were carried out at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. The findings were published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
There is no such thing as a perfect scientific experiment.
Every experiment is only part of the picture – and the results of these experiments need careful interpretation.
If you put humans on a low-carbohydrate diet for a week or 2 and compare their body weight to those on a low-fat diet over the same time…
…you’ll see that those in the low-carbohydrate diet lose more weight.
You might conclude that low carbohydrate diets are better for weight loss…
…but you’d be missing part of the picture.
When you restrict carbohydrates, the body quickly depletes all of the stored carbohydrate in the muscle and liver.
This carbohydrate is also associated with a lot of water.
So this rapid but unsustainable weight loss is mostly sugar and water. It’s not body fat – and that’s what we want to lose, isn’t it?
“Although it is known that a low carbohydrate diet leads to greater weight loss than a low-fat diet in humans, the effects of various compositions of low carbohydrate diets have not been studied in detail.”
The devil is in the details, and medium to long-term human and animal studies…
…show that high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are better for sustained, long-term weight loss.
These animal experiments were carried out in the context of this larger discussion.
In particular, researchers have noticed that high-sugar diets had potent effects on hormones which are linked to changes in body weight.
“High-sugar diets have been shown to increase the concentration of anti-obesity hormones which contribute to reducing body weight.”
The changes in these hormones which are associated with weight loss runs counter to the dominant story that sugar causes weight gain.
So the researchers created a number of different groups of lab mice.
These different groups of lab mice were fed different diets.
The researchers then looked to see what happened when animals fed a high-sugar diet were compared to animals fed a normal diet or a high-starch (carbohydrate) diet.
The results are similar to what we’ve seen before in medium to long-term human and animal studies.
High-sugar diets are associated with lower body weight.
Sugar does not cause weight gain but seems to prevent it.
“Over 15 weeks, mice fed a high-sugar diet showed resistance to body weight gain in comparison with mice fed a high-starch diet or standard lab chow.”
Sugar, supposedly the worst micronutrient, led to less weight gain than a normal “healthy” nice diet.
The high-sugar diet was also superior to a high-starch diet. Starch is supposedly a “safer” carbohydrate and sugar.
Starch and fat both feed bad bacteria which poison your cells, preventing optimal energy production and leading to fat gain.
The reality is that sugar is the most useful form of energy for the body.
When the body has access to plenty of sugar it increases the metabolic rate – the rate at which it uses energy.
With a higher metabolic rate we can consume more calories without piling on the pounds.
This is what the study showed. The animals eating the high-sugar diet had the highest metabolic rate.
“Mice fed a high-sugar diet showed resistance to body weight gain due to increased energy expenditure.”
This study used highly processed food. And the sugar used was pure table sugar, a.k.a. sucrose.
I don’t recommend eating a high-sucrose diet anyway.
Best to eat a high-sugar diet where the sugar comes from fruit and dairy.
—-Important Message About Getting a Sugar-Burning Metabolism—-
This sippy cup activity gets the body burning sugar again and provides these incredible benefits…
- Faster, more youthful metabolism
- More energy and stamina
- Perfect blood sugar
- Better male erections and performance
- Adds decades to your life
The problem is — most of us have fat-burning metabolisms.
We’re told never to eat sugar, that sugar is bad, and therefore we eat nothing but fat.
So our metabolisms burn nothing but fat for energy.
And we don’t burn sugar anymore and this causes all sorts of health problems.
Fortunately, I’ve discovered a solution…
The sippy cup activity kickstarts the body into burning sugar again, no matter how long it’s been…