This is the easiest way to keep your testosterone levels high
—-Important Message for Men Who Are Tired All the Time—-
NEW discovery — double-action formula fights fatigue

Are you sick of feeling tired all the time?
Of not having enough energy to go to the gym, or make love to your wife?
I’ve finally discovered the real cause of chronic fatigue — why men are tired all the time…
And I’ve also developed a double-action formula that naturally fights the root cause of fatigue.
So you STOP feeling tired all the time and get back to doing what you love.
Here’s what you can expect using my double-action formula to fight fatigue…
Want more T? Simply do this tonight before bed
Poor sleep is tied to a whole host of health problems — Alzheimer’s, heart failure, and cancer to name just a few.
We know that long-term sleep problems are associated with lower testosterone too.
But the effect of short-term sleep deprivation has not been well studied.
Recently, researchers conducted animal experiments looking at the effect of short-term sleep deprivation.
The results show that sleep deprivation can lower testosterone and increase the likelihood of erections problems.

These animal experiments were carried out at St. Vincent’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea in Seoul.
Low testosterone is a growing problem. In the medical literature, low testosterone is called hypogonadism.
The short-term effects of poor sleep on testosterone are relatively unknown.
“It is unclear how sleep deprivation exerts a negative effect on men’s health in terms of hypogonadism.”
The testicles produce most of the testosterone.
But the signal to produce testosterone originates in the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland sits at the bottom of the brain and releases a number of hormones into circulation.
One of the hormones released by the pituitary gland is luteinizing hormone.
When luteinizing hormone reaches the testicles, it causes them to increase the production of testosterone.
This study looked at testosterone levels. But it also looked at the communication between the pituitary and the testicles.
(This is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.)
“We aimed to evaluate the HPG axis in subjects with sleep deprivation and ultimately to evaluate ‘penile’ tissue in response to the hormonal changes.”
In one experiment the researchers created two groups of rats.
“16 rats were subjected to 72 hours of sleep deprivation and then compared with 16 control rats.”
One group of rats was subjected to sleep deprivation and then they compared the two groups.
The animals subjected to sleep deprivation had significantly lower levels of luteinizing hormone.
“Compared with the levels in the control group, luteinizing hormone levels markedly decreased.”
Luteinizing hormone is sent from the pituitary to tell the testicles to produce more testosterone.
The animals exposed to sleep deprivation had lower levels of testosterone.
“Testosterone levels were subsequently decreased in the sleep deprivation group.”
Sleep deprivation causes low testosterone through an effect on the pituitary gland.
We know this because of the lower levels of luteinizing hormone.
The study showed some other problematic features of short-term sleep deprivation.
The sleep deprived animals had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
“Lower cortisol was observed in the control group compared to the sleep deprived group.”
High cortisol is associated with obesity and type II diabetes.
The high cortisol/low testosterone pattern tends to lead to increased belly fat and bad rockiness.
In another experiment reported in this paper we both sleep deprived animals were given supplemental testosterone.
Testosterone was not able to protect the animals against damage from sleep deprivation.
We know this because the sleep deprived animals given supplemental testosterone also had increased levels of cortisol.
“Cortisol levels were similar between the sleep deprived and sleep deprived with supplemental testosterone groups”
The research also found evidence that these changes increase the risk of poor erections in the animals.
“Reduced testosterone levels decrease ‘firmness’ function by inducing superoxide accumulation.”
Long-term sleep problems in humans cause a host of other chronic illnesses.
This research indicates that even short-term sleep deprivation could cause serious health problems for men.
“Even short-term sleep deprivation can produce secondary hypogonadism, which impairs men’s health.”
Sleep deprivation does not just affect the testicles.
This research shows that low testosterone from sleep deprivation is caused by an effect on the pituitary gland.
“This study is the first study to show the effects of sleep deprivation on the whole hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.”
You should consult a healthcare professional for advice on health matters.
—-Important Message—-
Think you need testosterone? Don’t do anything until you read this…
Once a man begins getting medical testosterone — his body down-regulates its natural production.
Plus, the testosterone gets turned into estrogen, the feminine hormone that grows breasts and damages a man’s libido further.
So now, the man’s body stops producing its own testosterone naturally and it turns a big part of the fake testosterone into estrogen.
The man needs more and more fake testosterone, but that means more estrogen…
…and soon it all becomes a downward spiral for the man’s libido and performance.
So now, knowing all this…
…the only thing left is to figure out how to naturally raise testosterone…
