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Read this before you get another cortisone injection

Chronic pain is brutal. It can cause depression, social isolation, and declining health.

When people are in chronic pain, they often look for ways to minimize it.

And that’s completely understandable.

People suffering from chronic joint pain caused by arthritis or injury want the best possible solution to minimize the pain.

One thing that’s used to treat chronic joint pain – especially of the hips and knees – is called intra-articular corticosteroid injections.

But these injections may not be as safe as we thought.

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What are intra-articular corticosteroid injections like?

Here’s a description for the hip procedure from the US government website :

“For this procedure, a health care provider inserts a needle in the hip and injects medicine into the joint. The provider uses a real-time x-ray (fluoroscopy) to see where to place the needle in the joint. You may be given medicine to help you relax.”

“For the procedure:

  • You will lie on the x-ray table, and your hip area will be cleaned.
  • A numbing medicine will be applied to the injection site.
  • A small needle will be guided into the joint area while the provider watches the placement on the x-ray screen.
  • Once the needle is in the right spot, a small amount of contrast dye is injected so the provider can see where to place the medicine.
  • The steroid medicine is slowly injected into the joint.”

“After the injection, you will remain on the table for another 5 to 10 minutes. Your provider will then ask you to move the hip to see if it is still painful. The hip joint will become more painful afterwards when the numbing medicine has worn off. It may be a few days before you notice any pain relief.”

This is basically how it works for knee joints as well, with the doctor injecting the medicine directly into the joint.

The problem is that this procedure may ACCELERATE the arthritis and make it worse.

New evidence shows that these injections may be causing harm

This is mind blowing, but new studies are showing that 1 out of 12 people are having serious complications from this procedure…

…with many experiencing a serious acceleration of arthritis problems.

According to Dr. Ali Guermazi, one of the authors of the study shown above:

“We are now seeing these injections can be very harmful to the joints with serious complications such as osteonecrosis, subchondral insufficiency fracture, and rapid progressive osteoarthritis…”

1 out of 12 people is a pretty significant health risk…

And I would bet that it is actually higher than that because these are just the first studies on this subject that are coming out.

Your doctor probably doesn’t know about these risks

Currently, because these injections are largely considered “safe”, your doctor may not even know to talk to you about these risks before administering them…

Your doctor probably doesn’t know there ARE risks.

So it’s important that YOU know about the risks in order to make the best decision possible for yourself.

“Intra-articular corticosteroid injection should be seriously discussed for pros and cons. Critical considerations about the complications should be part of the patient consent which is currently not the case right now…”

Here’s the important thing to keep in mind:

If you have arthritis and don’t want to make it worse, you need to weigh the pros and cons of steroid injections very carefully.

You could end up accelerating your condition and making it significantly worse.

Instead, it might be a good idea to focus on the underlying cause of the disease and minimize internal inflammation.

Whenever you are using a Big Pharma intervention it ALWAYS pays to do your research.

Doctors don’t know everything and there are new discoveries about side effects every day.

You really just have to take charge of your own health.

—-Important Message—-

Men suffering with poor “rockiness” for 6 months or longer: is it penile fibrosis?

I’ve discovered a “forgotten” condition called penile fibrosis that is keeping men from enjoying the kind of “rockiness” they had as young men…

And in this condition, scar tissue builds up inside the penis, blocking blood flow and making good “rockiness” nearly impossible.

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And here’s the thing — no pills, no creams, and no supplements can treat penile fibrosis.

But I’ve discovered something that can… and all you need is an electric toothbrush.

Discover more here — and restore the vein-busting, long-lasting erections you used to enjoy as a young man.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.


Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injections in the Hip and Knee: Perhaps Not as Safe as We Thought?


Hip joint injection