I’m guilty of doing this just as much as anyone…
—-Important Message—-
Breakthrough discovery: this “rockiness” hormone works 113 times better than testosterone

Next time you want to boost your “rockiness” or bedroom performance, skip the testosterone supplements…
Instead, try this brand new natural hormone I’ve discovered that is even better for “rockiness” than testosterone.
This is super good news for men who think their testosterone is low — now you can get the best “rockiness” of your life without worrying about your T level.
Because as I’ve discovered, testosterone isn’t the end all, be all when it comes to getting great “rockiness.”
Discover the true “rockiness” hormone that works 113 times better than testosterone.
Something we all do in bed… bad for our health and “rockiness”?
Everyone thinks sugar is bad.
And that it is connected with poor sleep, which is the subject of today’s newsletter.
So, one of the dumb things a lot of us do every evening is stay on our computers and phones late into the night…
…not knowing they emit a bad type of artificial light that affects our bodies…
We like to not think about it.
But the reality is that our bodies are designed to work with natural sunlight and darkness.

And when we introduce other light sources – especially “blue light” sources – we can mess up our bodies in pretty significant ways.
What is blue light?
Blue light is part of the normal light spectrum. But it also is highly prevalent in artificial light and especially LED screens…
And many of us are up close and personal with those screens well into the evening hours.
“Previous research has shown a strong correlation between obesity and the levels of artificial light at night. Much of the artificial light we are now exposed to comes from LED lights and LED screens, which emit high levels of blue light.”
How blue light at night affects metabolism…
At this point, many people know that blue light can mess up the way you sleep… It causes wakefulness at night.
But people don’t know that it can also have a direct, physical effect on metabolism – by creating confusion in the systems that regulate your body’s appetite.
“Retinal cells of the eye are sensitive to this blue light and directly convey information to areas of the brain that regulate appetite.”
They did this study on rats.
But, because the blue light from artificial sources is well known to affect human sleep, it probably also affects the human metabolism in a similar way to how it affects the rat metabolism.
“In their study, Masís-Vargas and colleagues, exposed rats to nighttime blue light and measured their food consumption and glucose tolerance the following day. It should be noted that, in order to better model human light exposure, the rats used in this study were diurnal (meaning awake during the day and asleep at night), rather than the typical nocturnal laboratory rats which are awake during nighttime hours.”
Artificial nighttime exposure to blue light leads to a pre-diabetes state.
The title of this study focuses on the “nighttime consumption of sweets.”
But there is something that really stood out to me as I was reading it that was even more concerning than snacking on ice cream or candy bars at night…
And that was how nighttime blue light exposure set the rats up for pre-diabetes through problems with glucose tolerance.
“The authors found that after only one hour of nocturnal blue light exposure, glucose tolerance was altered in male rats, a warning sign of pre-diabetes.”
The reason that this is SO BAD is that a glucose tolerance issue is often a precursor to cascading health problems that we typically think of as aging issues…
But, really, they are a problem with chronic internal inflammation.
These are things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes and diabetes, cancer and even dementia.
In my experience, when you start having glucose tolerance problems, you will often get many other health issues.
I should say here that I’m not a doctor and I can’t and won’t give you medical advice.
This is just my experience in working with 1,000s of men and doing hours and hours of research.
The good news is that avoiding blue light at night isn’t very hard.
You can shut your devices off in the evening.
Or you can wear blue blocker glasses – you can buy these online in many places and they don’t need to be prescription.
The bottom line is that artificial blue light at night is pretty bad for your health. It’s a good idea to avoid it.
—-Important Message For Men Who Avoid Sugar—-
Men who eat sugar, BURN sugar — and here’s why that’s a GREAT thing
Remember being a kid and being warm and full of energy all the time?
You’d go outside to play in the cold and wouldn’t even want your jacket.

It’s ‘cause as kids, we are always burning up… our bodies are constantly burning SUGAR.
YOUTH is sugar burning. Even scientists agree.
But as we age, our metabolisms get slow and cold, and instead of burning sugar for energy, the body starts burning fat…
And believe it or not, this is a BAD thing.
Do you know what eventually happens to men who only burn fat and not sugar?
Diabetes, low testosterone, “rockiness” problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So a hot, fast sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining young and healthy no matter how old you are.