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It’s tempting to want to believe in doctors and medicine.
But when it comes to chronic and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, we really can’t trust the doctors.
That’s not just me, or even this newsletter, that says this.
One of the most prominent researchers went back and looked at all the drugs that received approval since 2004.
He found that only 0.4% of trials ever amount to anything.
And only one new drug was approved since 2004 for Alzheimer’s.
The success rate for advancing a drug from one phase to another is low, and the number of compounds progressing to regulatory review is among the lowest found in any therapeutic area.
If you or a loved one has or thinks you may be developing Alzheimer’s, you may not want to look at conventional medicine today.
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You won’t find much help there.
Perhaps this is why Alzheimer’s incidence is skyrocketing so fast?
A new Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study showed that Alzheimer’s is increased 55% over the past two years.
Talk about a shock!
This study only examined the deaths specifically attributed to Alzheimer’s.
So they’re not counting any deaths connected indirectly to Alzheimer’s.
There are probably two or three (or maybe even ten) times more deaths from Alzheimer’s who die from other causes.
Even so, this number is:
a 54.5% increase compared with the 1999 rate… Most deaths occurred in a nursing home or long-term care facility.
And lest I leave you with hopelessness and a feeling of doom and gloom, here is a very important finding.
It’s about Alzheimer’s and how to prevent or reverse it.
They looked at the risk of developing dementia in a large population of diabetics.
It seems that dementia, or Alzheimer’s, follows diabetes like night follows day.
And so it seems that fixing diabetes may actually prevent or slow down or even stop dementia.
So, reversing Alzheimer’s may be as easy as doing what reverses diabetes — and we’ve seen what works there.
In the meantime, high blood pressure also predicts dementia.
Having high blood pressure is about is predictive of developing dementia as is having diabetes.
Interestingly, having high cholesterol levels itself does not lead to a greater likelihood of dementia.
But there’s no doubt about the relationship between Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
In fact, many researchers call Alzheimer’s or dementia “type III diabetes.”
I believe that the same metabolic causes of diabetes and hypertension also cause Alzheimer’s.
These issues also lead to prostate inflammation and erectile dysfunction.
So, I think that fixing one may fix all of the others.
And I hope that we can find out more in future newsletters.

- Alzheimer’s disease drug-development pipeline: few candidates, frequent failures
https://alzres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/alzrt269 - Deaths from Alzheimer’s Disease — United States, 1999–2014
https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6620a1.htm#contribAff - Increased dementia risk predominantly in diabetes mellitus rather than in hypertension or hyperlipidemia: a population-based cohort study
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