Avoid this treatment to protect your prostate
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and today’s study finds a connection between a treatment that millions of men are on and prostate cancer.
And not just any prostate cancer…
But the worst, most lethal kinds.
Here’s the Big Pharma treatment giving men prostate cancer…
—-Important Message—-
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Is Big Pharma giving men prostate cancer?
If you ask men about their top 5 health fears, high cholesterol and prostate cancer will probably be on that list.
These 2 health issues shouldn’t be a worry for most men.
High cholesterol does not cause disease – although it can indicate underlying health problems.
Forcing cholesterol levels down with statin treatments doesn’t improve outcomes because cholesterol isn’t the problem.
Statin treatments can also have very troublesome side effects.
And in the case of prostate cancer, it’s massively overdiagnosed and massively over treated.
But there are some rare cases of “high-grade” prostate cancer which can be worrying.
A number of studies have shown that taking statins increases the risk of being diagnosed with high-grade prostate cancers.
The human research was carried out at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The findings are published in the European Journal of Cancer.
A number of different treatments have been proposed to alter prostate cancer risk.
This study was designed to analyze some large datasets to see if the researchers could find any relationship.
The researchers used data from Swedish public health records.
In the dataset, over 185,000 Swedish men had presented for a PSA test.
The PSA is a blood test which looks at a protein related to inflammation of the prostate.
Of these men, a further 18,500 men’s PSA test results identified them (probably incorrectly) as at risk of having prostate cancer…
…so they went for a prostate biopsy.
The PSA test identifies many men who are not at risk of having prostate cancer as targets for further investigation.
The prostate biopsy can cause infection of the area – leading to hospitalization and other serious repercussions.
The prostate biopsy samples were analyzed in a standardized way.
Researchers look at them under a microscope to see if there’s any changes in the growth of prostate cells which could indicate cancer.
These biopsies analysis are then rated on something called a Gleason scale.
The samples which look more cancerous receive a higher score.
Most diagnosed prostate cancers are extremely slow-growing.
Men with these diagnoses will almost certainly die of something else if the cancer is untreated.
But for some men, men with a high Gleason score, prostate cancer can sometimes be a problem.
The study found that some treatments like aspirin were associated with a slightly lower PSA score.
Statin treatments were associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer diagnosis.
Low-grade prostate cancer is usually completely harmless…
But the diagnosis itself can lead to some very harmful and unnecessary treatments.
“Men using statins had a 16% increased risk of prostate cancer diagnosis.”
But most importantly, statin treatments are associated with a significantly higher risk of high-grade prostate cancer…
The rare, aggressive prostate cancer which can be a health risk in itself.
“Men using statins had a 25% increased risk of high grade prostate cancer.”
A significant increase in the risk of high-grade prostate cancer can be added to the list of problems caused by statin treatments.
Statins are used to force down blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol has been associated with cardiovascular and other diseases.
But cholesterol has never been shown to be a cause of these diseases.
Quite the opposite – cholesterol is usually a protective factor in the context of another health problem.
Low thyroid hormones and low-grade bacterial infection are common causes of high cholesterol.
These underlying health problems are the cause of cardiovascular disease and other health problems which are linked to cholesterol.
The increase in prostate cancer diagnosis and high-grade prostate cancer in statin users underlines the importance of properly assessing the causes for high cholesterol…
…rather than simply treating the symptom by beating down cholesterol levels with statins.
—-Important Message About Cholesterol—-
Believe it or not, cholesterol can be turned into testosterone in the male body… with these advantages:
- Healthy cholesterol levels… When you use the C2T method to help the body restore the cholesterol-testosterone conversion process, cholesterol levels normalize on their own!
- Some men are healthiest when their cholesterol is higher than the “norm.” The truth is, there’s no perfect number. Every man is different.
- As long as you’re using this method, your cholesterol should stay in a healthy range and your testosterone should stay on the rise.
- No need for dangerous statin treatments… With the C2T method, you can lower your cholesterol the NATURAL way… so you may not want or need tablets (with your doctor’s blessing).
- I’ve uncovered studies revealing shocking facts about statins… how they lead to severe muscle pains, nerve damage, pancreatitis, depression, even memory problems!
- Statins have even been shown to give men erections problems and make existing problems worse. Why not avoid this altogether and actually help improve your rockiness…with a simple method like this that boosts T?
- There is also a strong link between long-term statin use and cancer. With this method, you can lower your cholesterol, often faster and more efficiently than statins can. And it comes with ZERO unwanted side effects!
- Healthy, high testosterone… The best part about lowering your cholesterol with this method is that you can be raising your testosterone levels naturally at the same time.
- This method helps the body turn extra cholesterol into extra testosterone, so you can have higher T levels than many 20-year-olds without taking tablets, using patches or gels or injections.
- And this is REAL, natural testosterone — the kind your body makes on its own…the kind you actually want in your body! “Fake” testosterone in the form of tablets, patches, and gels actually raise estrogen too, which ends up hurting testosterone and male function.
- Great erections all the time… Now that you have naturally high testosterone, you’re experiencing better erections that lasts longer than before.
- Countless studies show us that the more testosterone we have, the rockier and longer-lasting our erections will be. With this method, you can have sky-high testosterone, hopefully for the rest of your life, until you’re 100 or 120, and the goal is to be getting great erections all the while!
- If you’ve been struggling with erections because of statin use, don’t worry — this method often restores great erections again, no matter how long it’s been or how many other things you’ve tried.
- More stamina… More T also means more stamina in bed. Now you can last longer and longer, maybe even as long as you want!
- High testosterone levels make men’s metabolisms hotter and faster, so endurance and energy levels naturally increase… And when you have more energy and endurance, you have more stamina in the bedroom!
- Now you are performing even better than you thought possible, and you are pleasing your wife or girlfriend not just once, but twice in one single romp… And other men, even guys half your age, aren’t doing their wives or girlfriends like this!
- Higher male drive… High testosterone also means high libido. Men with high T enjoy feeling a surge in male drive morning, noon, and night…
- With all that testosterone being pumped out of your Leydig cells, you’re feeling ready to go at a moment’s notice. Like an excited teenage boy who keeps getting rocky in public, you are turned on and oozing masculine attractiveness everywhere you go!
- And women love it! Don’t be surprised when your wife or girlfriend is saying things like “you’re an animal” or “you’re a drill machine” because you will be wanting to pleasure her all the time. Women get excited by their man showing this passionate desire for them, so you’re going to love the effect it has…
- Less fat, more muscle mass… Men with high testosterone levels have more muscle and less fat on their bodies.
- When testosterone is low, estrogen is usually high. And too much estrogen is like poison for men. Excess estrogen gives men belly fat, love handles, even man boobs. By increasing testosterone, you will help the body naturally lower estrogen too…
- And you will be amazed when you look in the mirror and see less fat and more muscle on your body. You don’t even have to diet or exercise. With higher T, you will naturally have firmer, stronger, leaner muscles. This is just the way men’s bodies work!
- Better heart health… Getting your cholesterol levels down to a healthy range with the C2T method will do your heart a world of good.
- Cholesterol that is too high can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, while high testosterone has been shown to actually help protect heart health.
- So by converting your high cholesterol into high testosterone, you’re doing your heart a huge favor too! You’re reducing your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, while enjoying normal blood pressure and good blood flow to boot!
- A more confident and assertive personality… Men with high T are naturally more confident men. They have no problem leading a group and making tough decisions, and they tend to stand out in a crowd, especially to women!
- Women LOVE a confident, dominant personality. Even if they say they don’t, women are biologically wired to find a confident, assertive man attractive and be drawn to them more than other men.
So if you want an easy way to lower your cholesterol levels while getting a major boost in testosterone, try this.
I guarantee you’re going to love the benefits it gives you down below…