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Do you ever wonder if you can increase testosterone with exercise?
It can be difficult to figure it out with all of the hype and misinformation out there.
So many of the testosterone studies out there are a complete joke.
They are nothing but drug company shills.
They are all set to prove how wonderful the current miracle drugs are.
The studies focus on how great these super profitable testosterone injections, patches, or pellets are and ignore the negatives.
This study is different.
First of all, this study is 12 months long, which is a long time for studies.
And it is focused on determining whether simple exercise can increase male hormones in a significant way.
If youc an increase testosterone with exercise, there is less need for medications.
This is why the study is really important.
They used reasonably healthy older men.
The researchers divided the men up into groups.
The “control” group were men from the total pool who were not given exercise at all.
The other group was assigned one hour per day of aerobic exercise, six days a week.
The exercise was the typical aerobic exercise you do at home.
They used the treadmill, stationary bicycle, and so forth.
The men also did a warm-up and a cool off period.
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Some of the exercise was done in a supervised facility.
Then the men exercised the rest of the days each week in their own home gym.
They didn’t do a great deal of exercise.
But researchers selected sedentary men who are not used to exercise.
You can achieve this type of exercise level by doing a brisk walk every day.
It’s not difficult, and you can warm up and cool down on the walk.
I do not see that researchers focused on nose breathing.
If you make sure that you are nose breathing, you build up some air hunger when walking a quick pace.
You could probably produce a significantly better benefit than the researchers saw in the study.
The effect on male androgens was rather interesting.
This type of exercise did not raise testosterone levels at all:
Exercisers had significantly increased DHT levels at three and twelve months compared with controls.
And it was very effective in raising other male hormones, called androgens.
For example, DHT went up about 15% initially.
And the only difference was that instead of sitting around, these men did 60 minutes of exercise per day.
The researchers also saw a difference in the levels over time.
The effect on increasing DHT was very pronounced at the beginning, and then it leveled off.
At the end of the 12 months, DHT had risen about 8% overall.
So there was kind of a spike in the early days of exercise, and then DHT fell back.
But it was still higher than before the exercise started.
And it’s a way to increase DHT naturally.
DHT benefits are numerous, and raising it is extremely healthy.
For one thing, we now know that higher DHT levels lower your chances of getting prostate cancer.
So the exercise increased DHT levels and cancer risk was reduced.
As they say in the study:
Low DHT is associated with decreased prostate cancer survival among men with screening-detected cancer (30), and, further, lower levels of DHT in the prostate are associated with greater cancer aggressiveness.
Also, higher DHT levels are very good for sexual performance and for libido.
Here’s what you should do now.
This is a great example of the benefits of a fairly low level of exercise.
If the exercise involves brisk walking with nose breathing you can even benefit to a much greater level.
Exercise helps you live longer.
And the best part is that it doesn’t have to be intense exercise to be beneficial.
The exercise should be just vigorous enough to challenge you.
It doesn’t have to involve lifting heavy weights or running fast.
Enjoy a brisk walk and you’ll live longer.

When a man exercises, either by working out or just maintaining a comfortable level of activity such as brisk walking, DHT levels and his body may increase. New research shows that DHT levels increase in parts of the brain with mild exercise. You don’t need to work out vigorously to get the benefits of increasing your DHT levels. Even a mild workout can increase DHT levels and in fact a vigorous workout may actually lower DHT levels. Working out definitely helps increase testosterone, DHT and other male androgens but only if the workout is not too vigorous or difficult. Contrary to what most men believe, a vigorous workout actually lowers testosterone and may lower DHT by increasing stress hormones such as cortisol.
2. How to lower DHT with exercise?
DHT is the active form of testosterone hormone. Testosterone itself has many positive attributes but it is DHT which probably helps the most for improving erection quality and motivation and keeping men’s muscles strong and vigorous.Many men find that exercise if it’s too strenuous such as a very difficult workout increases stress hormones in the body and this stress hormone increase lasts for some time, even days after the workout. During this time the high stress hormones including cortisol and serotonin may actually be lowering the body’s production of testosterone and DHT. So vigorous exercise it is too difficult may lower DHT. If you want to maintain high testosterone and high DHT then do not do exercise that will increase stress hormones and that is too vigorous or difficult.
3. What increases DHT levels naturally?
DHT levels can increase naturally provided that you follow a nutrition and supplement approach that increases your DHT levels rather than decreases them. For example, a small amount of DHEA, 3 mg to 5 mg per day, together with a small amount of the pro-hormone pregnenolone can in fact increase your DHT levels. Most men take too much DHEA, and much of it turns into estrogen rather than DHT. Another way to increase DHT levels naturally is to do moderate exercise. Do not work out strenuously. Fast walking and 20 minutes of enjoyable activity may be far better than a vigorous workout in terms of raising DHT levels. Too much of a workout increases cortisol levels in the body which actually can lower androgens including lowering DHT and lowering testosterone levels.Another thing that can increase DHT levels are pro-hormones such as Andros to run. And restroom is legal in many places including the US although difficult to get. It is also used as a pheromone to attract the opposite sex so you can buy it that way sometimes.Androsterone on the skin will enter the body bypassing the liver and even just a few milligrams of Androsterone can powerfully increase DHT and testosterone. Too much is a bad thing so you really only want one or two or 3 mg of androsterone to increase your DHT levels naturally.
4. Dht vs testosterone: which is better?
It’s tough to trust studies about testosterone levels. Why? Because many of them are commissioned by the drug companies, to gin up interest in their supposed “miracle” cures.Today, though, we’re going to look at a study you should pay attention to. It looked at the link between exercise and sex hormones in men.First, the study took place over the course of a year. That makes the data more valuable.The study divided a sample of reasonably healthy, older men into groups. The control group was not given any exercises to perform. The variable group was assigned six days a week of one-hour, aerobic exercises.This type of exercise did not raise testosterone levels at all, however: “Exercisers had significantly increased DHT levels at three and twelve months compared with [the control group].”The exercise was also effective in raising other male hormones, called androgens.The only difference between the two group is that these men did an hour of exercise per day. You can achieve the same benefits by going for a brisk walk.At the end of the study, DHT had risen about 8% overall.DHT benefits are numerous, as the study states: “Low DHT is associated with decreased prostate cancer survival among with screening-detected cancer and… lower levels of DHT in the prostate are associated with greater cancer aggressiveness.”High DHT is also associated with greater libido and sexual performance.Exercise doesn’t need to be overly vigorous or intense. The men in the study were doing simple, aerobic exercises that can be done at home. Rowing machines, stationary bikes, and treadmills were their primary equipment.You can achieve the same health benefits with even less. A walk at a brisk pace for sixty minutes is all it takes to raise your DHT levels and increase your life span.
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