Over 45 years ago, a vast conspiracy was put into play by the medical establishment.
And it was promoted and paid for by Big Pharma.
A study was publicized that supposedly showed how replacing saturated fats, such as butter, with PUFAs, such as corn oil, would lower heart disease and lengthen lifespan.
They are still telling us in the medical establishment that we should eat more vegetable oil even today.
And yet, the study that they all depended on to make this recommendation was a fraud!
They followed 9,423 people over 4.5 years.
And they told one group to replace their butter and saturated fat with PUFAs.
The other group didn’t.
These were mental hospital and nursing home patients, so compliance was very high.
And the cholesterol rates for the PUFA people FELL.
But as I’ve been telling you for a long time, high cholesterol is more desirable than low-cholesterol.
Higher cholesterol leads to a longer lifespan.
Low-cholesterol is very bad.
Then they used this cholesterol reduction as an excuse to start promoting PUFAs to everybody as an alternative to saturated fat that would be “heart healthy”.
Now however it turns out that they were massaging the data, and essentially LYING to the public.
Here’s a chart showing the survival rate of the vegetable oil group versus the saturated fat group:
As you can see, more people died with lower cholesterol, consuming vegetable oil, although they covered this up and made it seem like it was the other way around.
Even the Washington Post reported on this cover-up.
Researchers re-examining this old study
discovered the missing data during their research examining the potentially harmful effects of linoleic acid — a key constituent of most vegetable oils — on human health.
This is what I have been telling you for some time.
Vegetable oil is a killer.
And yet the study conclusion was completely contrary to study data.
It’s an example of a study that was like most of the studies today — motivated by the big drug companies instead of motivated by the seeking of truth.
The Post points out the true reason for the cover-up:
The Minnesota investigators had a theory that they believed in — that reducing blood cholesterol would make people healthier. So when the data they collected from the mental patients conflicted with this theory, the scientists may have been reluctant to believe what their experiment had turned up.
I think they are being super generous.
But we can’t know for sure why this was all covered up.
The scientists involved are deceased.
Fortunately they reopened the study and looked at the data and found the truth.
Lowering your cholesterol is dangerous.
Vegetable oil is dangerous.
You want to keep nice high cholesterol, and you want to keep away from vegetable oil.
As the NEW debunking of the old study notes:
High Intakes from vegetable oils are a recent and atypical nutritional phenomenon.
And LOWERING cholesterol NEVER was found to lower heart disease risk.
Quite the opposite. As the debunkers note:
participants in the old study who had greater reductions in serum cholesterol had a higher, rather than lower, risk of death.
This has been verified again and again — lowering cholesterol CAUSES higher death rates.
For instance, this study of 82 year old women is typical.
The lowest cholesterol rate people have the highest death rates, by far.
How do you avoid dishonest lying studies like the old one here that built a wrong government policy that killed millions of people?
What I do is I look at thousands of studies a year.
I make sure that the study is statistically sound.
And I make sure that it goes along with current theory.
What I do is not a matter of just looking up studies.
It’s a matter of an explanatory theory, and a solid, quality study — both.
Just having a study without an explanatory theory does us no good.
And have an explanatory theory without a study isn’t good either.
That’s why you don’t pay attention to studies without an explanatory theory that also makes sense.
Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73)
This study 40 years ago could have reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published.
Click for more information on Heart disease, for information on Medicine, or for more on how diet effects heart.