Cancer is no longer a death sentence

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Imagine being diagnosed with cancer at age 45, serious cancer.

But you live until you’re 93 years old.

And you live well.

Cancer is no longer a death sentence.

Contrast this to many men that I have known with cancer.

They have had various organs removed.

They’ve taken dangerous drugs, dangerous therapies, and radiation.

And I think they shouldn’t have done it.

Life expectancy of cancer patients would be higher if they avoided these treatments.

At a time when the human body should be strengthened, doctors use treatments that weaken it.

Doctors really believe in the toxic cancer-causing radiation and terribly dangerous and poisonous chemicals.

But for the patient, their quality of life horrible.

They throw up all the time, lose all their hair, lose all their sex drive.

They don’t have anything left of what makes life worth living.

I have seen this story so many times — I’m sure you have too.

So that’s why this newsletter is so important.

It’s important because we have a case study of someone diagnosed with serious cancer age 45.

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This is the type of cancer that kills a lot of people.

In this case, it’s breast cancer in a woman.

And she lives another 48 years.

Her quality of life very high.

Yes, she’s taking some medications, but no chemotherapy, and no radiation.

Instead of going through the hell of these cancer “cure” treatments, she tries something else… and it works.

Notice that there is no nutritional support of the supplements to help reduce the breast cancer.

But she’s living just fine.

The cancer spreads, and eventually she consents to chemotherapy… and she quickly dies.

But not before the chemotherapy causes terrible side effects and ruins her quality of life.

Without the chemotherapy, she could have lived to 95 or 100.

And she would have had a much better life.

Here is what the study remarks:

In a study of 849 patients diagnosed between 1955 and 1980, the changes in chemotherapy/radiation/management had no effect on overall survival in the 25-year period.

Some studies show a modest improvement in overall survival, but many do not.

This always shocks people who think that cancer must be caught early.

They think it must be fought aggressively.

And they think that cancer must be fought with chemotherapy and radiation.

They don’t realize that cancer survivor rates are harmed by these treatments.

Because it usually does not actually help people survive,  but it always hurts people’s quality of life.

This woman lived to age 91  without chemotherapy, radiation, or anything drastic.

As soon as chemotherapy started, she got sick and died two years later.

I’m not suggesting that you skip cancer treatment.

I am suggesting that you look into alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation.

And I’m suggesting that often a cancer diagnosis means that you can still live to a ripe, healthy old age.

In our patient, we discontinued chemotherapy because of intolerable side effects; however, she lived two more years without receiving any therapy.

And here’s one more cancer survival story.

This woman did a combination of low-fat, high carbohydrate diet and a bit of intermittent fasting.

She did it without medication, without chemotherapy.

Doctors considered her type of cancer to be “incurable.”

They didn’t think highly of her chances of surviving cancer.

But the doctors were shocked because her cancer shrank significantly.

This woman had an incurable type of non-Hodgkin’s melanoma.

She did a fast and stuck to a low-fat, high plant diet.

As she reports,

My oncologist is pleased with the results and has asked me to keep doing what I am doing.

He says I am making such good progress.

I don’t believe that you have to be on all plant diet or do any fasting.

But I do think that these case studies show that we can easily live with cancer.

And they show that we can make the cancer tumors shrink.

At the very least, it shows that we can live a high-quality life without worrying about them.

Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Surviving metastatic breast cancer for 18 years: a case report and review of the literature 

Water-only fasting and an exclusively plant foods diet in the management of stage IIIa, low-grade follicular lymphoma 

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