1000s of men are taking this common treatment
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and many over-the-counter and Rx painkillers have major effects on hormones…
Effects that people are completely unaware of.
These side effects are particularly problematic for men.
That’s because many of these treatments lower testosterone – they can also cause an increase in estrogen and prolactin.
The combination of these elements can lead to…
- Prostate problems
- Obesity
- Rockiness problems
- Infertility
- Cardiovascular disease
- And more…
Here’s the treatment that I think is one of the worst killers of testosterone…
—-Important Message About Boosting Member Size—-
Rub these magic drops onto your “huevos” for more size
I’ve discovered the secret to growing bigger down there without any weird pumps, tablets, or procedures.
It’s a safe, natural mineral that stimulates a man’s Leydig cells in his male huevos to produce more important male hormones like testosterone and DHT.
And when these important male hormones are in the right ratios, erections gets bigger, better, and longer-lasting.
You just paint a few drops right on your huevos and rub it in… and watch it grow…
And just like that, your member is swelling up to its full size potential and ready to go for 30 minutes or more.
Your wife or girlfriend will LOVE the feeling of you inside of her when you’re more impressive than ever before…
And you will love the confidence that comes with sporting a bigger member and performing better.
Just paint this on and watch what happens…
Most men have no idea this popular treatment kills T levels
Tramadol is one of the worst killers of testosterone. It is used not only for pain, but also to treat coming too soon.
But with continued use, tramadol will cause more severe intimacy problems and other major health issues due to its effects on hormones.
These animal experiments were carried out at Assiut University in Egypt. The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.
Tramadol is an opioid treatment.
Over the last 10 years, many doctors have become very loose about how they give patients these kinds of treatments.
Some Big Pharma corps and medical journals conspired to paint these treatments as relatively harmless…
…when they are in fact extremely harmful. Doctors and patients were misled.
Because of that, tramadol has been used long-term for relatively minor pain…
…and is even being used to treat symptoms of premature ejaculation.
“Nowadays, tramadol is frequently used as a pain reliever, and for the treatment of premature ejaculation.”
Previous research has shown that this treatment damages semen quality.
This is concerning for men who want to have children, obviously…
…but is also a canary in the coal mine for more general health problems that all men should be worried about.
“Decreased semen quality was noted in chronic tramadol users.”
The researchers carried out a number of experiments on male rats.
They wanted to see what the effect of this treatment was on their testicles, hormones and fertility.
Some animals were given the treatment by injection, other animals were given an inactive shot instead.
The researchers compared the 2 groups.
Luteinizing hormone was significantly lower in the animals given tramadol.
Luteinizing hormone is a hormone which triggers the production of testosterone in the testicles.
“Tramadol significantly reduced plasma levels of luteinizing hormone.”
When luteinizing hormone drops, 1 of 2 things can be going on.
The first is that testosterone levels are somehow very high – and there is no need for luteinizing hormone.
More often, testosterone levels will drop because luteinizing hormone is low.
And that’s what happened in the tramadol using rodents.
“Tramadol also significantly reduced testosterone.”
The treatment also lowered cholesterol – the base material for testosterone and other essential hormones.
Follicle stimulating hormone also dropped animals taking tramadol. Follicle stimulating hormone is essential for the production of sperm.
“The tramadol group showed decreased sperm count and motility.”
Aside from shifting things toward low testosterone and infertility, the treatment increased levels of harmful stress hormones.
The treatment increased the production of estrogen in the male animals.
Though known as a female hormone, estrogen is inflammatory and causes disease.
Tramadol also increases a hormone called prolactin.
Prolactin causes male intimacy problems, the growth of man boobs, and is probably the biggest single factor in the development of prostate cancer.
“Tramadol elevated prolactin and estrogen levels compared with the control group.”
The researchers believe that much of the harm caused to the testicles by this treatment was due to the fact that it increases something called nitric oxide.
Other treatments which increase nitric oxide are commonly used to treat poor rockiness.
The long-term health effects of those treatments are also extremely grave.
“The study showed that tramadol affects testicular function of adult male rats, and these facts might be due to the overproduction of nitric oxide.”
Opioid treatments like tramadol may have some use in the case of emergencies, for short-term pain treatment.
But the vast array of serious side effects caused by these types of painkillers should be given more attention by doctors and patients…
…especially when considering whether or not to use these treatments, and for how long.
Another serious problem with opioid-type treatments like this is that they actually upregulate the opioid receptor.
This means you need more of these treatments over time – or the pain problem gets significantly worse.
This is one of the reasons why these treatments are so addictive.
—-Important Message About Dealing with Pain Naturally—-
This Healing Element erases pain while giving men a huge natural testosterone boost – here’s why you’ve never heard of it before…
The big pharma companies don’t want you to know about this healing element…
Because unlike their pain treatments which lower a man’s T and kill his drive…
…this healing element is actually raising testosterone, lowering estrogen, increasing load size, and even boosting a man’s drive…
…all while it’s naturally relieving aching, nagging joint pain and arthritis pains, headaches, back pains, and more…
All from 1 remarkable powder that you can buy at any store for less than 2 bucks. And you only need a pinch…