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The market for depression drugs is at least a $15 billion a year market — and probably MUCH more.
In the US, in 2014, there are 41 million prescriptions written for Zoloft or its generic equivalents.
Just in that year alone.
41 million prescriptions.
Just with that.
Amazing isn’t it?
So this is a super profitable, super large segment of the drug market.
And they certainly want to keep gobbling up even larger segments.
All that, and despite the evidence that antidepressants really DO NOT WORK.
There are so many men taking antidepressants and not getting the help they need.
But here’s something a lot worse.
Do SSRI drugs including Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, and all the rest cause diabetes?
This Harvard study says yes:
According to the study, antidepressants DRAMATICALLY increase the odds of diabetes!
In fact, the chances of getting diabetes go up ALMOST DOUBLE if you are on SSRIs and related medications.
The results suggest that antidepressant medication users had a moderately elevated risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to non-users, even after adjustment for BMI.
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And this isn’t a surprise.
There was a great study that shows the probable mechanism of how SSRIs and other types of antidepressants result in diabetes.
The researchers found that antidepressant medications interfere with the insulin metabolism.
These results implicate selected SSRIs as inhibitors of insulin signaling and as potential inducers of cellular insulin resistance.
It’s probably all SSRIs increase insulin resistance and cause diabetes.
And it’s likely that other antidepressants including the older tricyclic antidepressants cause it, too.
It’s yet another reason why I’m not a fan of these medications and why you probably shouldn’t either.
I think that other things should a patient can try first.
There are plenty of options that may work better for most people, without horrible side effects.
Trying one of these natural approaches can help you avoid diabetes and worse.
And you can try a lot of things, including nutritional approaches, exercise, and bag breathing.

Use of antidepressant medication and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three cohorts of US adults
Antidepressants induce cellular insulin resistance by activation of IRS-1 kinases
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