Men: Coffee raises your metabolism and your testosterone

The master hormone in the body that regulates metabolism is the thyroid gland.

Men find that their performance and stamina falls as they get older, and it’s often do to falling thyroid levels in their body.

Low thyroid function lowers a man’s testosterone levels.

But, low thyroid levels are difficult for your doctor to spot.

He may order a test of your T4 and T3 and TSH, but these may show within normal range even though you are still low in thyroid.

Fortunately, there are some foods you can eat that can act as thyroid’s boosters.

When you’re boosting your thyroid with these foods, they mimic consuming extra thyroid hormone, so they have the effect of boosting your stamina, your performance, and usually your testosterone.

The best food to boost your metabolism is coffee.

Coffee is much more than caffeine.

Here’s how men are rolling back the clock on their teenage metabolism and using this simple nutritional tip to boost their testosterone levels

Coffee has over 1000 chemicals that are significant to metabolism

Including coffee and acid and chlorogenic acid and even be vitamins and magnesium.

Decaf coffee actually works almost as well as caffeinated coffee, so it’s not just the caffeine it’s really critical, it’s these 1000 different chemicals.

Most people take their coffee black or with a little cream or sugar, but this can be a mistake.

If you take coffee on an empty stomach or without sugar, it can enter your bloodstream to quickly and trigger stress hormones. These will actually make your body colder and depress your metabolism.

But if you drink your coffee with plenty of sugar and a little milk or cream, it will absorb more slowly and the sugar will backstop the caffeine and ensure that you do not get a stress reaction.

And here’s a huge tip: how to eat more for more heat….how to eat in a way that raises your metabolism, lifts your testosterone levels and speeds up your thought processes