Men: How to avoid estrogen from plastic

Men, How to avoid estrogen from plastic

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Be in the know. Here’s how you can lose flab by simply changing your food and drink containers…

—–Important Message—–

[Single Guys] Get her to invite you inside…

Do you find the end of a date awkward or is it just me?

At the end of the night, before we’re about to go our separate ways to our cars…

…I never know what sort of good-bye to give.

Do I go for the awkward handshake…

…the friendly hug…

…or the “all in” kiss?

But I have learned that all you need to do…

…is ask this one weird question that will IGNITE her attraction towards you almost immediately.

And this one weird question works because it makes the girl feel comfortable and relaxed…

…so she’s more inclined to have you over.

Here’s the one weird question that ensures every date has a happy ending.


Men: How to avoid estrogen from plastic

We all know what makes us humans fat.

We eat too much… the wrong foods… not enough fruit and vegetables… too much fat… too many carbs…

We argue a lot about what, exactly, is the baddie here.

We don’t get enough exercise because of TV remote controls… desk jobs… computer games… not enough gym time or running time…

We try to address all of these with the best advice we can find.

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But too often, we get poor results. And we blame ourselves.

We’re not doing it right… slept in… missed our run… couldn’t resist the fries…

But is it just the beer and the screens?

I’m sure you’ve noticed that kids are also much fatter these days.

That one fat kid in the class in the old days…now there are four or five.

We say they need to get outdoors more. Run and play. All true. And yet…

Could it be more than just needing to kick a ball?

Is something else happening here?

Surprise! It may be plastic.

The plastic in our water bottles, baby bottles, food containers…

Even beer cans are lined with this stuff.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is already a known problem.

This will sound familiar to regular readers because I’ve written about it before.

Even in tiny quantities, BPA causes hormone disruption. Prostate cancer. Things like that.

These are a big problem because they act like estrogen, but 100 times more powerful. Literally.

BPA is very nasty stuff and it’s why I avoid plastic water bottles and plastic food containers.

But there’s more bad news about plastic:

BPA can also cause men to have manboobs, get fat, and much worse…

The title of the study suggests we already know that BPA is an “obesogen!”

Who knew there was such a thing as an obesogen?

Something other than calories from fats or carbs, that is.  

Most of us did not know that.

I’m shaking my head in disbelief. But it’s a well-established concept in science.

Here’s a quick intro from the study:

“The incidence of obesity has risen dramatically over the past decade. Despite a concerted effort to understand the underlying mechanisms, the causes of this epidemic remain unclear.

“Although most attention has been focused on high-calorie diets and sedentary lifestyles as the root causes, there is increasing interest in the role of environmental factors.”

“The increase in rates of obesity was preceded by an exponential increase in synthetic chemical production.This association has led to the ‘the environmental obesogen hypothesis‘.”

This study asked whether “environmentally relevant” amounts of BPA can cause an increase in fat.

Environmentally relevant amounts = the levels people are normally exposed to in everyday life.

The researchers tested samples of fat tissue from children of normal weight who were having abdominal surgery for unrelated problems.

They tested for three different concentrations of BPA.

Even the smallest amount of BPA caused an increase in the amount of fat:

“BPA, even at the lowest concentration tested (10 nM), increased the messenger RNA expression and enzymatic activity of cortisone reductase in the fat tissue.”

And this study considered lower levels of BPA than similar studies had done. Yet, the case was even stronger:

“These data support the hypothesis that BPA…could promote adipogenesis, accelerating obesity during childhood.”

BPA affects an enzyme that is already known to create fat in our bodies:

“The enzyme 11b-HSD1 (cortisone reductase) converts the inactive hormone cortisone to the active hormone cortisol in adipose tissues…and promotes adipogenesis.”

So BPA raises cortisol. And cortisol makes us fat.

Higher cortisol also RAISES estrogen.

If you’re a regular on this site, you probably already know that cortisol causes weight gain.

But most people don’t know this. Not at all.

It’s time to stop wasting our time on what everyone knows…

It’s so often wrong, anyway.

Consider the lucrative “make them fat, make them thin” industries. The diet industry. The processed food industry.

These vultures advertise. They influence popular ideas.

And there’s lots of money to be made from our beliefs. 

It’s time to stop making money for other people and start looking after ourselves!

Fat kids often turn into fat adults, so we know it’s not just a childhood problem.

Kids may be more vulnerable to BPA than adults, but adults are not immune to its effects.

Were you a thin kid who’s packing on the weight now?

You probably have more plastic in your life now than you did back then.

They find new and clever uses for it all the time. It’s lightweight, strong, very adaptable.

What a pity it’s so bad for us.

Plastic is a habit that we should break, at any age…

Plastic is everywhere, but the plastic habit can be broken! Starting with the things that are easy to change.

I suggest you take it step by step. Start with bottles, including baby bottles and water bottles.

Maybe move on to doing away with canned products. Those cans are lined with BPA. (And what’s inside them is often heavily processed.)

It’s easy to make your own pasta sauce, for example, from tomatoes you threw in the freezer whole (in glass containers).

You can still find foods and beverages packaged in glass.

I have never found a study that said anything bad about glass containers.

Ceramics made without lead also seem to be safe.

Take care with antique, traditional, and imported ceramics though. (The FDA suggests a simple testing kit.)

Start slow. Change takes time.

But maybe one day everyone who wants to lose weight will be cutting down on the plastic as well as the pizza!

And getting healthier, as well as thinner.

—–Important Message—–

How to replace abdominal fat with muscle

It’s true – Harvard calls belly fat a powerful promoter of insulin resistance, inflammation, and type 2 diabetes – which tend to fuel the development of heart disease.

But a new BREAKTHROUGH strategy can replace this abdominal fat with a ripped, lean physique in less than 12 weeks.

It will also flush out estrogen making the body surge with testosterone.

This simple 45-second activity will reduce your belly fat and RAISE your testosterone.

Don’t believe me?

Click here to get the 45-second activity and try it yourself!




Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
The environmental obesogen bisphenol A promotes adipogenesis by increasing the amount of 11[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in the adipose tissue of children Wang, J; Sun, B; Hou, M; Pan, X; Li, X. 

1. Is lowering estrogen beneficial? 
Estrogen in its balanced state is the best for the human body.Some of the ways a Estrogen imbalance can be avoided is by never using bottled water. Though Bottled water are advertised well for its richness of taste and wellness, very less attention is given to the fact that over time plastic can giveaway harmful chemicals that then leeches into the water. The best alternative is to carry one’s own glass or ceramic water bottle filled with safe filtered tap water.Controlling the use of processed and canned food is the second best step to stay away from plastic .Plastic contains BPA which mimics estrogen,so using bottles that say are BPA free is very important. Also paying attention to the fact that plastic is never microwaved will make sure that Estrogen does not leak into the body ecosystem. 

2. What are the symptoms of high estrogen in men? 
Critical balance in the body levels of Testosterone and Estrogen is required for the perfect functioning of the human body. But in particular instances where there is a imbalance, it can lead to high estrogen in men and low Testosterone.Unknown to many ,higher levels of estrogen can play havoc on the sexual libido of a man and cause outer manifestations like the loss of erectile function and fall of interest in sex .There may be decrease in the confidence level of a individual and in most cases they can suffer performance issues in the bedroom. High estrogen can also cause the enlargement of breasts in men and increase body fat leading to obesity and increased cholesterol levels. Increase in body mass maybe considered a direct effect of the increase in Estrogen levels.Individuals suffering from an increase in estrogen level can also suffer from extreme fatigue and very low energy levels that can hamper their normal functioning in day today life.Some added ailments that can be product of high estrogen are lower urinary tract problems and the onset of Diabetes, if precautions are not taken. Estrogen levels can also play havoc with the mental and emotional wellness of individuals and can cause anxiety and depression issues to surface.Aging is one core reason why elder people have high estrogen levels as they mature. Increase in Fat tissue also contains aromatase which actually converts testosterone to estrogen and can aid in health disorders like Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Also testosterone supplementation therapy always is most likely to end up increasing the Estrogen levels when it is used on men suffering from obesity or if used in excess.Some natural ways that Estrogen levels can be controlled ,is by increasing the intake of vegetables like Cabbage, Cauliflower,bok choy and Turnip greens which helps in increasing Estrogen detoxificatin.Adding Vitamin supplements to the diet like B12, Fotane,Choline and Betaine which is found profusely in Meat,fish,eggs, beets and spinach is a a great alternative. Increasing the fiber intake in foods and also improving body agility through regular exercise or activity sports helps to reduce the estrogen levels in men. 

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