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—-Important Message From Jack Grave—-
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2 vampires sucking the prostate dry
If you ask men about the causes of prostate problems, they will probably tell you the DHT is to blame – maybe testosterone too.
This is an idea which came from the scientific community a few decades ago.
It was legitimate research, but an incorrect interpretation of the results.
When you take a look at the bigger picture, you see that DHT and testosterone are not the cause of prostate problems.
Rather, other hormones like estrogen and prolactin are the major hormonal factors in inflaming this organ.
This is critical to understand, not only for your prostate health, but for the health of the entire body.
DHT and testosterone are essential for whole-body health.
Depriving your body of these male hormones thinking it will help your prostate will harm more than just your prostate.
The animal experiments were carried out at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Raleigh. The findings were published in Endocrinology.
Researchers implanted estrogen filled tubes into male rats in these experiments.
Other rats which were not given any implants were used for comparison.
The estrogen implants led to inflammation in the prostate gland.
“Inflammation was induced in the lateral prostate of castrated Wistar rats by exposure to an implant of estrogen.”
Many people know that estrogen can be a problem – but few people know of its partner in crime, prolactin.
Prolactin is just as much a problem as estrogen – in fact, more men may have problems with high prolactin.
The researchers tracked prolactin in these experiments and found that it was extremely elevated in the animals given estrogen implants.
The greater the elevation in prolactin, the higher the levels of prostate inflammation.
“Inflammation was correlated with increased serum prolactin, elevated pituitary weight, and a greater than 2-fold increase in the lateral prostate DNA concentration.”
So was it estrogen causing prostate inflammation?
Or was estrogen simply increasing prolactin which was then the direct cause of prostate problems?
To answer this question, the researchers administered a treatment called bromocriptine.
Bromocriptine lowers prolactin, but does not affect estrogen directly.
“The administration of bromocriptine to these animals was effective in suppressing pituitary weight and hyperprolactinemia.”
As bromocriptine brought prolactin levels down the inflammation in the prostate subsided.
“The addition of bromocriptine mitigated the lateral prostate inflammatory response.”
In order to double check that it was prolactin which was the cause of the problem, the researchers injected the animals with pure prolactin.
That experiment again showed that prolactin causes prostate inflammation.
“Inflammation was restored by administering exogenous prolactin at a dose of 2 mg/kg twice a day.”
Prolactin itself is a cause of prostate inflammation.
“The results indicate that estrogen-induced inflammation in the rat lateral prostate is mediated at least in part by the release of prolactin from the pituitary.”
Other experiments have shown that locally produced estrogen, inside the prostate itself, also causes prostate problems.
It is not the protective male hormones testosterone and DHT which causes prostate problems.
No, prostate problems are caused by stress hormones like estrogen and prolactin.
And it may not be necessary for many men to take bromocriptine to lower prolactin.
Simply not consuming enough salt (sodium) can increase prolactin.
Vitamin D deficiency is also a well-known cause of elevated prolactin.
Prolactin is caused by anything which increases stress – be it psychological stress or nutritional stress.
The incorrect understanding of the effects of hormones on men’s health is one of the most common and unnecessary causes of illness.
The negative health effects of prolactin are becoming more of a problem.
This is because the lower cut off for elevated prolactin levels has been increased over the years.
Many men who now have “normal” prolactin levels would have been diagnosed with high prolactin not too long ago.
—-Important Message: This Protects the Prostate From Prolactin and Estrogen—-
My “Prostate Shrinking Machine” protects the prostate while offering delicious sexual benefits
- A proven remedy that has been ignored (on purpose?) by Big Pharma
- Works for most men to reduce or eliminate pee problems almost immediately
- Shrinks prostates over a few months — often to normal size
- Improves sexual libido and often improves erections — makes men into studs who can come and then come again
- Boosts testosterone and DHT levels naturally
Get started with my prostate solution for free — click here